Hawaii-Pacific District stages Unity Games-Basketball edition


Date Posted: June 12, 2024

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The Ecclesiastical District of Hawaii-Pacific hosted an INC Unity Games-Basketball edition on May 26 and 27, 2024, bringing together teams from various local congregations within the district. The said teams, which included those from neighboring Kauai, Maui, and Big Island, gathered at the Pearl City High School grounds in Hookiekie Street, Pearl City, Hawaii.

On the first day, the activity started with a parade of all players and participants representing each of the 18 teams consisted of Buklod and KADIWA members. There was also a Binhi edition of the said competition. Brother Israel Pacheco, the district Christian Family Organizations (CFO) overseer, led the oath of sportsmanship and the opening prayer. Brother Gem Baitan, the district supervising minister, in his opening remarks, reminded the players of the goals of the activity, primary of which is to strengthen the bond of brotherhood.

Playoffs continued on the second day, culminating with the awarding ceremony. The Honolulu Team won the friendly competition, while Kaneohe Team placed second. The Big Island Team won first place in the Binhi edition; Honolulu Team as second place.

“Since we come from different islands, this sports activity is a good opportunity for brethren to meet other members from different local congregations,” said Brother Andre Gobrera, ministerial worker assigned at the Local Congregation of Lahaina and Lanai GWS.

“I started playing basketball at a young age. I always participated in the Unity Games … I love the challenges and fun games in the activity,” shared Edward Nacapoy from the Local Congregation of Honolulu.

“The INC Unity Games is conducted for the love of Christian brotherhood and having full support in it means unity with the Church Administration,” said Ian Godoy, a basketball player in the same congregation. — With reports from Bruce Tan of INC News Section