District of Tokyo, Japan holds baptism


Date Posted: September 25, 2024

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The Ecclesiastical District of Tokyo, Japan held a baptism on August 25, 2024, with Brother Amante Rodriguez, district supervising minister, officiating the gathering at the house of worship of the Local Congregation of Ichikawa.

With them witnessing that blessed occasion were the other faithfuls, from the Local Congregations of Ibaraki, Shizuoka, and Tokyo, many of whom were instrumental in the conversion of the newly baptized brethren.

Brother Rodriguez preached about the importance of ensuring one’s salvation on Judgment Day, that is, by becoming active members of the true Church Of Christ and remaining so until that fateful day.

Brother Kristoffer Reniel Gonzales, assistant district supervising minister, led the prospective members’ taking oath of membership in Nihongo, while being translated into Filipino by Brother Darwin Matic, district secretary. Brother Art Cano, district Church Officers overseer, administered the actual immersion into the water.

“Participating in the intensified work of propagation, not only reinforces faith but also, provides renewed strength to fulfill Church duties,” said Gonzales.

Brother Leopoldo Ramirez Jr., ministerial worker assigned in Shizuoka Congregation, explained that it is the duty to God of all Church Of Christ members to help in spreading the gospel, regardless of their location. “Uniting in this mission and spirit of the Church Administration to diligently bear fruit, more people will be saved,” he said.

“I thought that if you read different verses, you’ll get confused,” reminisced newly baptized member Rikio Koyama of the Local Congregation of Shizuoka about the first time he was introduced to the Church Of Christ. “But when I started to listen carefully, I learnt new things. I took the Bible studies.”

With him also baptized that day was his wife, Rosemarie Koyama, who said, “I’m thankful that I’m now a member of the Church Of Christ. I will continue to help in the work of propagation [of God’s words]. I will encourage others to enter the Church.” — With reports from Rie Sugihara and Wyrlo Ulayao of INC News Section