New Zealand South district established


Date Posted: September 29, 2024

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“The continued expansion of the Church Of Christ in this part of the world is another fulfillment of the Lord God’s promise that His work [of salvation] be propagated around the world,” said Brother Uziel Bongares, supervising minister of the newly established Ecclesiastical District of New Zealand South. Its office is located within the Christchurch Congregation’s house of worship compound at No. 3 Abros Place, Burnside, Christchurch, South Island, New Zealand.

At the same said house of worship, a special gathering was held on September 8, 2024, marking the district’s establishment as approved by the Administration of the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ). Brethren from other local congregations that compose the new district gathered at respective houses of worship that were linked to the host site via videoconferencing.

In his Bible-based homily, Brother Bongares reminded the brethren of God’s admonition that they continue fulfilling their duties to Him. They must be careful, the supervising minister emphasized, not to be influenced by the temptations of the world, advising them to, “always listen to and submit to the Church Administration who teaches us God’s will.”

“Thanks be to God for giving us a dynamic leader in guiding the Church Of Christ worldwide towards salvation,” enthused Arlene Malit, a deacon in the Local Congregation of Christchurch East.

“This development has made me all the more steadfast in the faith,” said head deacon, Rolando Espinosa from the Local Congregation of Invercargill. Likewise edified, Gerard Pascua, also a head deacon in the same congregation, said that he will be of help to all of the endeavors inside the Church, especially “overseeing the brethren entrusted to [his] care.”

Brother Noel Ilan, district Church Officers Overseer, shared the district’s growth as more ministers are being sent at its area of jurisdiction: “More congregations are being opened; group worship services that are being elevated into full-fledged local congregations.” — With reports from Eldenice Quijano of INC News Section