Brethren in Oregon District edified in special worship service


Date Posted: June 19, 2024

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The Ecclesiastical District of Oregon held a special worship service at the house of worship of Portland Congregation on May 21, 2024, which aimed at further edifying the brethren amid these troublous times.

Brother Eraño S. Codera officiated at the said occasion, which was livestreamed to designated remote sites within the district. In his Bible-based homily, he exhorted the attendees that they must remain calm in whatever situation they might be in because the Lord God is the One Who will save His obedient servants from all their troubles.

In an interview after the gathering, Brother Moises C. Kadusale, supervising minister of the Oregon District, attested that despite difficulties they faced, “Still, brethren in this part of the world strive to remain active in the works of the Church. Now, they’ve been further edified in their faith,” he added.

The brethren were also reminded that God uses as His instrument the Administration He placed in the Church, through the leadership of the Executive Minister, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, to edify the faith of the members primarily by teaching them God’s words. And in unity with the Church Administration, ministers, ministerial workers, and Church officers do their sworn duties to help in looking after the spiritual well-being of the brethren entrusted to their care.

Reflecting on the biblical lesson, Mauro Pizarro, head deacon of the Portland Congregation, said he is grateful to God for His help and guidance as “I visit the brethren in their residences to make sure that they are in good condition, give them brotherly advice, such as always be prayerful, and offer what help that they might need.”

“The Church members in the District of Oregon will remain strong in our faith and in holding on to God’s teachings as well as the duties that He has entrusted us with,” Brother Kadusale added on behalf of the district. — With reports from Warren Maneja and Paolo Acuesta of INC News Section