British Columbia brethren spread Good News of salvation to more people


Date Posted: June 26, 2024

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The Ecclesiastical District of British Columbia, Canada held evangelical missions at four venues on June 16, 2024 as part of the district’s 14th anniversary celebration.

For this, Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) members in all its 14 local congregations and eight group worship services (GWS) eagerly participated to share the Good News of salvation to more people. 

Brother Glendo Baitan, district supervising minister, officiated the evangelical mission that was conducted at the Scottish Cultural Centre in Vancouver.

Brother Romeo Maglaya, assistant district supervising minister; Brother Emmanuel Allarey, district Church officers overseer; and Brother Gilbert Maniego, district edification overseer, led the Bible studies held in the houses of worship of the local congregations of Surrey, Victoria, and Burnaby.

The ministers shared to the guests how one can have true fellowship with God and with His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and thus be sure of receiving salvation on Judgment Day. They proved from the Bible that this is by joining the true Church Of Christ.

A guest by the name of Davies Aboagye, who was among those invited by the Local Congregation of Vancouver West, said, “The lesson taught by the minister … made me realize that a person should follow the Lord Jesus in order to be connected to Him and be saved.”

“I also came to know that the Church Of Christ is the true Church because its members actually uphold the pristine words of God. I look forward for another opportunity to attend gatherings like this,” he added.

A guest of the Burnaby Congregation named Alprudence Caringal said the event “paved the way for me to understand how a person should be saved, which is through my fellowship with the Lord Jesus. My questions about the true faith were then answered clearly.”

“The sharing of the faith benefits not only the guests but also us, members, because doing so further counts us worthy of reaching God’s promise of salvation,” said Lawrence Gutierrez, a Children’s Worship Service (CWS) teacher from the Local Congregation of Richmond.

“We are very thankful to our Lord God because through this evangelical mission, He has given our district another opportunity that enabled our fellowmen to hear about the Good News of salvation,” said Brother William Addangna, resident minister of Vancouver West Congregation. — With reports from Rhonda Salvani of INC News Section