Calgary’s evangelical mission inspires guests to find the true Church


Date Posted: July 10, 2024

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“I should not be anxious with my primary needs … [Instead] I should seek first the kingdom of God and He will provide what I need,” said Tracey-Ann Lothian, a guest who attended the evangelical mission held at Red Deer Congregation’s place of worship. “This is what I need,” added Robert James Duffin, another guest who also attended at the said venue.

Red Deer Congregation, with 12 other local congregations and group worship services (GWS) hosted a series of evangelical missions held in the Ecclesiastical District of Calgary on June 14 to 16, 2024.

The evangelical missions were officiated at by the resident ministers and ministerial workers of each local congregation and GWS. They taught about what the Bible teaches on the importance of having firm faith and being prayerful especially during these turbulent times. However, it was made clear that the prayers which will be heard and granted are those whom the Lord Jesus Christ recognizes as His. This, in these last days, is the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ).

Reflecting more on the biblical truth she has received, Lothian added that “I was really caught up on the truth that faith in Jesus is not enough. I should have a true and correct connection with the Lord Jesus Christ through the true Church Of Christ.”

Brother Jimz Caster Zamora, minister assigned at the district’s Light of Salvation office, expressed that the district held the evangelistic activities “to show to our Lord God how we value His commandment of proclaiming His words and thus share our faith to our fellowmen for their salvation.” — With reports from Odellia Carr of INC News Section