TSV officers in Micronesia District share faith

TSV officers share the true faith by spearheading evangelical missions in Micronesia congregations, November 24, 2024.
Buklod Night in New South Wales fosters stronger bond for couples

Married members in New South Wales, Australia attend a Buklod Night in Penrith on November 24, 2024.
KADIWA Formal in Bay Area, California fosters stronger bonds among youth

KADIWA Formal in Bay Area California District enhanced camaraderie among youth.
Hawaii-Pacific holds special gathering for head deacons and their families

Head deacons and their families in Hawaii-Pacific District’s congregations gathered for a special gathering aimed at further edifying them in the faith.
Local congregation, GWS rise in Santo, Vanuatu

Espiritu Santo, Vanuatu Congregation and South Espiritu Santo GWS, both in the Ecclesiastical District of New South Wales, Australia, held inaugural worship services, respectively.
Saskatchewan District establishes new GWS

The Saskatchewan District established the Assiniboia GWS; its inaugural worship service held on November 3, 2024.
District of Tokyo, Japan baptizes converts as October draws to a close

A baptism was held in Tokyo, Japan Ecclesiastical District, at the Saitama Congregation house of worship, October 25, 2024.
Series of activities marks Applewood Congregation’s 10th anniversary

The Applewood Congregation celebrates 10th anniversary, keeping Church members there edified in the faith.
Special gatherings in British Columbia urge youth to uphold Christian culture

Special gatherings in the British Columbia Ecclesiastical District convened youth members at Surrey and East Vancouver houses of worship on October 25, 2024.
Various districts hold Worldwide Care for Humanity

Worldwide Care for Humanity and various humanitarian programs of the INC benefit thousands of residents the world over.