Baptisms held in Hawaiian islands

The Hawaii-Pacific District held baptisms at Kauai, Maui, and Oahu, Hawaii, on October 21, 22, and 25, 2024, respectively.
Guests in British Columbia learn about the true faith thru music

At the Massey Theatre, New Westminster, Canada, the British Columbia District held a musical evangelical mission on October 20, 2024.
Outreach event in Fresno, CA benefits residents

Free health services including flu vaccinations were given during outreach event of the Central Valley, California District at the Fresno Congregation’s house of worship compound, October 5, 2024.
Special gatherings in Hawaii-Pacific add zeal to young faithful

Church officers and youth members in the Ecclesiastical District of Hawaii Pacific were reinvigorated during the special gatherings held on October 13 and 18, respectively.
Chesapeake Congregation choir wins Virginia District’s ‘Songs of Salvation’

Virginia District held its Songs of Salvation: Acapella Edition finals at Chesapeake Conference Center, Virginia, on October 12, 2024.
Mount Pleasant Congregation commemorates 5th anniversary

Mount Pleasant Congregation’s fifth anniversary was celebrated by the brethren at the Century Gardens Recreation Centre, Vodden St E, Brampton, Ontario, Canada, October 13, 2024.
TSV officers reaffirm zeal, new ones added in special gatherings

Technical Support for Video streaming (TSV) commemorated its fourth anniversary by holding special gatherings of officers and oath-taking of new ones on September 22, 2024.
LA County CWS members finish summer program on Christian values learning

Many members of the Children’s Worship Service (CWS) in the Ecclesiastical District of Los Angeles County gathered for the CWS Connect graduation.
Special gathering in Manitoba calls for more male brethren to join the ministry

The Manitoba Ecclesiastical District held a special gathering that was instrumental in encouraging more male brethren to enter the holy ministry.
Baptism and ‘Welcome, My Brethren’ inspire new members in British Columbia

New members in British Columbia District were added to the Church after their baptism and ‘Welcome, My Brethren’ activity on September 16, 2024.