New choir members in Metro Manila South take oath

Choir members in Metro Manila South District convene at the Alabang house of worship to attend their special gathering, November 24, 2024.
District-wide evangelical mission in Melbourne draws hundreds

From the Melbourne house of worship, Australia West, a district-wide evangelical mission was broadcast live on November 22, 2024.
New South Wales conduct November baptism in two venues

In the Minchinbury and Espiritu Santo local congregations, new members receive true baptism on November 24, 2024.
New Zealand North commemorate CEA 38th anniversary

CEA officers and members in the New Zealand North District gathered at their respective houses of worship to celebrate their 38th anniversary via special gatherings, November 28, 2024.
Pandacan marks 100th anniversary, unveils ‘Century of History’ exhibit

The ‘Century of History’ exhibit of Pandacan Congregation imparted knowledge and edified the faith of the brethren.
Buklod Night in New South Wales fosters stronger bond for couples

Married members in New South Wales, Australia attend a Buklod Night in Penrith on November 24, 2024.
Local congregation, GWS rise in Santo, Vanuatu

Espiritu Santo, Vanuatu Congregation and South Espiritu Santo GWS, both in the Ecclesiastical District of New South Wales, Australia, held inaugural worship services, respectively.
Series of activities marks Applewood Congregation’s 10th anniversary

The Applewood Congregation celebrates 10th anniversary, keeping Church members there edified in the faith.
Toowoomba holds first worship service as local congregation

An inaugural worship service marking the elevation of Toowoomba GWS to local congregation status was held on November 2, 2024.
Various districts hold Worldwide Care for Humanity

Worldwide Care for Humanity and various humanitarian programs of the INC benefit thousands of residents the world over.