Finding hope amid hopelessness

It seems that the year 2020, in spite of the initial euphoria, cannot bid goodbye to the problems and frustrations of the past year, casting a feeling of pessimism and cynicism upon many …

Living as God’s children amid a wicked world

THE BIBLE TEACHES that there are people whom God considers as His children amid an evil world: “We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.” …

‘Let him who glories glory in this’

THE LORD ALMIGHTY declares, “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, Let not the mighty man glory in his might, Nor let the rich man glory in his riches …

What happens to a person once he dies

WHAT HAPPENS to a person once he dies? It is a popular belief that when a person dies, he receives his judgment right away. Depending on how he lived his life on earth …

Keeping watch over us

WHAT OTHER PEOPLE seem reluctant to render to their leaders is what the members of the Church Of Christ are delighted to accord the Church Administration …

Make it permanent

IF WE WANT to be saved on Judgment Day, we should make sure our name is permanently written in the Book of Life in heaven. But first, we should make sure that it is really written there …