District of Capiz now 70


Date Posted: May 24, 2024

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May 10, 2024 marked the 70th anniversary of the Ecclesiastical District of Capiz in the Philippines, thus coinciding with the 138th birth anniversary of Brother Felix Y. Manalo, whom Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) members firmly believe as God’s Messenger in these last days being attested by the Bible.

In commemoration of such a milestone, on the same day, the district leadership launched district-wide activities, beginning with a special gathering hosted at the house of worship of the Roxas City Congregation, and livestreamed to the rest of the congregations’ respective houses of worship in the district.

Brother Raul L. Alvarez, district supervising minister, officiated at the holy gathering. During his homily, he cited from the Bible the example set by God’s early servants who, despite trials and sufferings in life, were able to continue on in the services to God with His help—same as to how the Almighty has upheld their district for the past 70 years.

“The brethren here in Capiz face so many challenges, such as the lingering influence of false faiths and the ever-worsening drought which affects the brethren’s livelihood. Despite these, they remain active in the services to God,” attested the supervising minister.

Later that morning, each local congregation conducted an INC Giving through a clean-up activity and, in the afternoon, a Pasugo drive, in preparation for the evangelical mission in the evening, which was simultaneously held in every congregation’s houses of worship.

An attendee of the said evangelistic event, TJ Alejaga, shared, “It was taught by the minister that the body of Christ is the Church of which He is the head. It was clearly read from the Bible that the name of it is Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ. That is why I have decided to join this Church.”

When asked why he remains zealous in his services inside the Church, Palito Denosta, 77, from the Local Congregation of Dumulog, replied, “What gives me inspiration is God’s promise of salvation and my desire to reach the Holy City. This is why despite my illness due to my age, I still fulfill my duty as a deacon.”

Speaking on behalf of the district, Brother Alvarez said, “We promise to God and to the Church Administration that all ministers, ministerial workers, Church officers and members in Capiz will remain united with the Executive Minister, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, in all endeavors of the Church, because all these are for God’s glory.” — With reports from Mark Angel Cruz and Jeanvie Antojado of INC News Section