Evangelical missions in Manila draw more than 4,000 guests


Date Posted: May 23, 2024

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More than 4,000 guests attended the evangelical missions held simultaneously by the Ecclesiastical District of Manila, in the Philippines, on April 29, 2024, at the houses of worship of the Local Congregations of TayumanBinondoPaco, and Quiapo.

The said propagational activities were led by the district supervising minister, Brother Wilson Cayago, and fellow ministers of the gospel, Brothers Garlando Gamboa, Eraño Quinitio, and Mandy Nepomuceno, respectively.

During their biblical preaching, the ministers conveyed to all in attendance why joining the Church Of Christ is a must to receive salvation on Judgment Day.

“I’m thankful for being invited in this evangelical mission,” said Jhoreen Morado, a guest. “I’m amazed by the teachings upheld by the Church. The minister raised questions and provided the answers solely from the Bible.”

“The biblical message is clear—a person needs to join the Church in order for him to be saved,” said Richard Pagaran, another guest, “Thus, I will continue examining the biblical doctrines upheld by the Church.”

Prior to the evangelical missions, brethren from various local congregations, led by their respective resident ministers, handed out copies of the Pasugo: God’s Message magazine. — With reports from Shaira Salangsang of INC News Section