New Zealand District inaugurates two congregations, one extension


Date Posted: June 28, 2024

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With the establishment of two new congregations and one extension, brethren in the Ecclesiastical District of New Zealand will all the more be cared for and the work of propagation all the more intensified. The inaugural worship services of the Local Congregations of Cromwell and Queenstown, and the Riccarton Extension, were held on June 8, 9, and 11, 2024, respectively, all led by Brother Dennis Dahunan, district supervising minister.

The inaugural worship service of Cromwell Congregation was held at the Lowburn Community Hall; and that of Queenstown Congregation at the Arrowtown Athenaeum Hall.

“The brethren in Cromwell encountered trials during the pandemic during which some lost their livelihood and had to go to other places,” Rogelio Gatmen, head deacon of Cromwell Congregation, narrated. “But through our Lord God’s mercy, after the pandemic, there were many brethren who came to this place and in this year the Church Administration approved its local congregation status.”

The Local Congregations of Queenstown and Cromwell are both formerly group worship services (GWS) in the district established in July 2017 and October 2019, respectively. These were then approved by the Church Administration to become full-fledged local congregations on May 28, 2024. Succeeding worship services will be held at 20 Robins Road in Queenstown, and 37 Hall Road in Bannockburn, respectively. Additional Church officers took their oath of duty during the gatherings.

“The worship service is important to me because during such occasion I receive spiritual strength to remain steadfast in the faith,” said Nanette Manansala, finance officer of the Cromwell Congregation. “I’m overjoyed for Cromwell is now a local congregation.”

“We will not forsake our services to our Lord God and we will remain united with the Administration in the activities they are launching for the sake of the Church,” Harold Manzo, head deacon in Queenstown Congregation, promised.

Meanwhile, brethren gathered at the gymnasium of Middleton Grange School in Christchurch, for the inaugural worship service of the Riccarton Extension. Brethren there used to attend worship services at the house of worship of the Local Congregation of Christchurch, which is about seven kilometers from their homes. They will continue attending the worship services at Middleton Granger School Hall along Acacia Avenue, Upper Riccarton, Christchurch.

“This district is fortunate because our Lord God has manifested His promise and as evidence to that, the Church Of Christ in this part of the world continues to grow,” Brother Uziel Bongares, assistant district supervising minister, said. “Now the congregations and extensions here multiplied because God holds this work, this is the work of His mighty hand.” — With reports from Roxanne Rosquita of INC News Section