Who are the children of God?

Many believe that everyone belongs to God, but the Bible reveals a different truth—one that sets His children apart from those outside...

Ang pagpapakabanal na may kabuluhan

Sa harap ng Diyos, walang matuwid sa ganang sarili lamang dahil lahat ay nagkasala. Ang kailangan ng tao para siya’y mabanal ay ang katubusang na kay Cristo.

God’s will that must be done

Man ought to examine the way he worships and serves God. He needs to make sure that what he does is based on God’s will and not on men’s conventions.

Striving to share the true faith

Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) members constantly strive to help their fellowmen realize that one’s services to God and attainment of salvation should not be based on personal opinion but on the truths that the Bible prescribes.

Ang pagpapakabanal na may kabuluhan

Sa harap ng Diyos, walang matuwid sa ganang sarili lamang dahil lahat ay nagkasala. Ang kailangan ng tao para siya’y mabanal ay ang katubusang na kay Cristo.

God’s will that must be done

Man ought to examine the way he worships and serves God. He needs to make sure that what he does is based on God’s will and not on men’s conventions.

Striving to share the true faith

Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) members constantly strive to help their fellowmen realize that one’s services to God and attainment of salvation should not be based on personal opinion but on the truths that the Bible prescribes.