The signs of the end times

The Bible forewarned that this world would suffer from despair even at a period when people seriously adopt ways to promote peace and...

Treasuring God’s words

There really is no way we can elude problems. At every turn and bend, we are bound to meet one. Truly so for our earthly journey is never a smooth one.

Enjoying God’s gifts

From the very beginning, God manifested His desire to bring joy and happiness to the human beings He created …

War and peace—and violence

Though peace in this world remains elusive despite all efforts to achieve it, there is a kind of peace which Christ promised to His servants …



Treasuring God’s words

There really is no way we can elude problems. At every turn and bend, we are bound to meet one. Truly so for our earthly journey is never a smooth one.

Enjoying God’s gifts

From the very beginning, God manifested His desire to bring joy and happiness to the human beings He created …

War and peace—and violence

Though peace in this world remains elusive despite all efforts to achieve it, there is a kind of peace which Christ promised to His servants …

