The signs of the end times

The Bible forewarned that this world would suffer from despair even at a period when people seriously adopt ways to promote peace and...

Where faith should lead

The way of salvation that we should follow is that which the Savior Himself, our Lord Jesus Christ, taught as written in the Bible …

On having patience and praying

With God, His servants can overcome their worries and frustrations in life. They need to believe in the value and efficacy of praying to Him …

Making our parents proud

Whenever we bring joy to our parents by being good sons and daughters to them, we also bring glory to the one true God, the Father …

No reason for despair

THE PREVALENCE OF HOPELESSNESS and of people resorting to criminal acts when they find themselves in dire straits can be interpreted as…

Ceaselessly giving thanks to God

No matter what their situation in life is, Church Of Christ members will never cease to give thanks and give bountiful thank offerings to the Almighty Father for this is their solemn promise to Him.

Where faith should lead

The way of salvation that we should follow is that which the Savior Himself, our Lord Jesus Christ, taught as written in the Bible …

On having patience and praying

With God, His servants can overcome their worries and frustrations in life. They need to believe in the value and efficacy of praying to Him …

Making our parents proud

Whenever we bring joy to our parents by being good sons and daughters to them, we also bring glory to the one true God, the Father …

No reason for despair

THE PREVALENCE OF HOPELESSNESS and of people resorting to criminal acts when they find themselves in dire straits can be interpreted as…

Ceaselessly giving thanks to God

No matter what their situation in life is, Church Of Christ members will never cease to give thanks and give bountiful thank offerings to the Almighty Father for this is their solemn promise to Him.