God’s will that must be done

Man ought to examine the way he worships and serves God. He needs to make sure that what he does is based on God's will and not on men's...

The true wealth

Wealth in terms of material possessions is the common object of the hard work and perseverance of numerous people …

선행이 충분하지 않을 때

지옥에서의 영원한 고통에 대한 두려움과 천국의 영원한 행복에 대한 희망은 사람들로 하여금 덕의 특성을 얻고 좋은 작업들을 하기 위해 큰 노력을 기울이게 했다. 그러나, 많은 사람들은 교회 교인이 되는 것을…

Got problems? Turn to God!

He who can expect God to help him as he deals with worries and problems is the one who puts his trust in Him. So, if we want God to help us …

More precious than material wealth

THE MENTALITY that money makes the world go round is wrong and deadly! Precisely, for when one thinks money is all that matters, he would strive so much …

The true wealth

Wealth in terms of material possessions is the common object of the hard work and perseverance of numerous people …

선행이 충분하지 않을 때

지옥에서의 영원한 고통에 대한 두려움과 천국의 영원한 행복에 대한 희망은 사람들로 하여금 덕의 특성을 얻고 좋은 작업들을 하기 위해 큰 노력을 기울이게 했다. 그러나, 많은 사람들은 교회 교인이 되는 것을…

Got problems? Turn to God!

He who can expect God to help him as he deals with worries and problems is the one who puts his trust in Him. So, if we want God to help us …

More precious than material wealth

THE MENTALITY that money makes the world go round is wrong and deadly! Precisely, for when one thinks money is all that matters, he would strive so much …