The signs of the end times

The Bible forewarned that this world would suffer from despair even at a period when people seriously adopt ways to promote peace and...

How can one attain God’s blessings?

Those whom God recognizes as His people will enjoy exclusively the right to attain His blessings. Thus, one should make sure he belongs to God’s chosen people.

Deliverance from sin and punishment

Membership in the true Church, that which belongs to our Lord Jesus Christ and to our Lord God, is a necessary condition to be saved and be free from punishment.

Check mate

Background checks are commonly done when entering a joint venture. What more if you intend to marry a person and enter into a commitment …

How can one attain God’s blessings?

Those whom God recognizes as His people will enjoy exclusively the right to attain His blessings. Thus, one should make sure he belongs to God’s chosen people.

Deliverance from sin and punishment

Membership in the true Church, that which belongs to our Lord Jesus Christ and to our Lord God, is a necessary condition to be saved and be free from punishment.

Check mate

Background checks are commonly done when entering a joint venture. What more if you intend to marry a person and enter into a commitment …