UPON HEARING THAT the Church Of Christ recognizes that Brother Felix Y. Manalo is God’s Messenger in these last days, the initial reaction…
INDISPUTABLY THE BEST seller of all time, the Bible is the most read and most studied book in all history. It is said to have been…
HALOS LAHAT NG relihiyon ay may dinidiyos, sapagkat ang pakay ng relihiyon ay ang paglilingkod at pagsamba sa Diyos. Gayunman…
ONLY ONE TRUE CHURCH in the entire world—the Church Of Christ (Iglesia Ni Cristo)—has the same characteristics as the Church…
THE IGLESIA NI CRISTO (Church Of Christ) believes that the members of the Church established by Christ in Jerusalem in the first century…
IN THE BIBLE, Apostle Paul taught that faith is among the three greatest virtues. In his first epistle to the Christians in the city of…
UPON HEARING THAT the Church Of Christ recognizes that Brother Felix Y. Manalo is God’s Messenger in these last days, the initial reaction…
INDISPUTABLY THE BEST seller of all time, the Bible is the most read and most studied book in all history. It is said to have been…
HALOS LAHAT NG relihiyon ay may dinidiyos, sapagkat ang pakay ng relihiyon ay ang paglilingkod at pagsamba sa Diyos. Gayunman…
ONLY ONE TRUE CHURCH in the entire world—the Church Of Christ (Iglesia Ni Cristo)—has the same characteristics as the Church…
THE IGLESIA NI CRISTO (Church Of Christ) believes that the members of the Church established by Christ in Jerusalem in the first century…
IN THE BIBLE, Apostle Paul taught that faith is among the three greatest virtues. In his first epistle to the Christians in the city of…