The signs of the end times

The Bible forewarned that this world would suffer from despair even at a period when people seriously adopt ways to promote peace and...

Who are truly born again?

IN JOHN 3:3, Jesus Christ said, “unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (New King James Version). For this reason, there are people who call themselves “born-again Christians.” …

Do not use harmful words

Using gentle words or being tactful is truly important to preserve peace and harmony, especially in the family …

Who are truly born again?

IN JOHN 3:3, Jesus Christ said, “unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (New King James Version). For this reason, there are people who call themselves “born-again Christians.” …

Do not use harmful words

Using gentle words or being tactful is truly important to preserve peace and harmony, especially in the family …