Sepung Bulaon Congregation celebrates 85th anniversary


Date Posted: June 25, 2024

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The Local Congregation of Sepung Bulaon in the Ecclesiastical District of Pampanga North in the Philippines recently commemorated its 85th anniversary of establishment. For this, the congregation held a special gathering on June 11, 2024, officiated at by Brother Arnel A. Agorilla, district supervising minister.

During his biblical homily, Brother Agorilla pointed out that even though the generation of the congregation’s pioneer members had been laid to rest, the next generations of Church members should remain strong in their faith and not allow themselves to be separated from the Church despite tribulations.

“Many brethren here may not be materially wealthy. Still, their zeal in the works of the Church is evident. They unceasingly help in the works of sharing the true faith. More Church members have also been blessed to become Church officers,” said Brother Benjamin A. Delos Reyes II, resident ministerial worker.

Three days later, the brethren there proved once again their activeness in the works of propagation by inviting their fellow Kapampangans to an evangelical mission. Brother Delos Reyes emphasized from the Bible that those who have the true relationship with the Lord Jesus are the members of the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ).

Speaking on behalf of the congregation, the resident ministerial worker said, “We promise to God that whatever trials we may encounter, we will remain united with the Church Administration and continue to please God as His people.”

Registered in the said congregation for 61 years now, Arcenia Mercado, 73, said, “The words of God taught to us, especially, during worship services are my source of hope as I continue to live in a world full of troubles and hardships.” With conviction, she added, “I may be poor in material things, but I am rich in God’s sight, for my true wealth is my membership in the Church Of Christ.”— With reports from Cristine Layug of INC News Section