City officials laud LA County’s back-to-back activities for INC’s 110th
Two simultaneous humanitarian events were conducted in Monterey Park, California by brethren in Los Angeles County, California, July 27, 2024.
Greater Toronto District holds INC Unity Games
The Unity Games in Greater Toronto Ecclesiastical District further strengthen the brethren’s faith and deepen the bonds of brotherhood.
Ottawa brethren fortify bond thru INC Unity Games
The Ottawa Ecclesiastical District held its INC Unity Games on June 30 and July 1, 2024.
New officers sworn in at special gathering in Greater Toronto
Many officers in the Church took oath of their respective duties during special gatherings of Greater Toronto District on June 30, 2024.
Greater Toronto District grows, Forest Hill Congregation established
Greater Toronto District established the Local Congregation of Forest Hill, which held its first worship service on July 9, 2024.
Manitoba District holds bilingual evangelical mission
A bilingual evangelical mission was conducted by the Ecclesiastical District of Manitoba on June 30, 2024 at the Norwood Hotel, Winnipeg, Canada.
‘True love for the Church’ emphasized in Hawaii special gathering
Special gathering in Hawaii-Pacific inspires Church officers to love truly the Church …
Calgary’s evangelical mission inspires guests to find the true Church
The Ecclesiastical District of Calgary held a series of district-wide evangelical missions on June 14-16, 2024.
More members baptized in Districts of Central Europe, Micronesia
Central Europe and Micronesia Ecclesiastical Districts held baptisms on June 22 and 24, 2024, respectively.
British Columbia brethren spread Good News of salvation to more people
The Ecclesiastical District of British Columbia, Canada held evangelical missions at four venues on June 16, 2024…