The Christian duty to God
of loving others

The Christian duty to God of loving others

Members of the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) are expected by God to demonstrate abounding love toward one another and to those who are in need.

HAVING BEEN CALLED by God to be among His chosen people and Christ’s true disciples, members of the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) are expected to demonstrate abounding love toward one another and to those who are in need. This biblical mandate remains to be their motivating force, which is why the faithful uphold this holy endeavor unhindered by the world’s worsening condition.

This commandment of God was among the themes of the message that the Executive Minister, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, expounded on during his pastoral visit to the Local Congregation of F. Manalo, San Juan, Ecclesiastical District of Metro Manila East.

After the hymn-singing, the prayer before the Bible-based preaching was led by Brother Gerino S. Lalata, Metro Manila East District supervising minister. After the homily, Brother Romer D. Galang led the prayer. Brother Ernesto V. Suratos led the congregation in prayer for the voluntary offerings. The benediction was said by Brother Bienvenido C. Santiago.

Church members from other local congregations commemorating their respective milestone anniversaries became part of the holy occasion through livestreaming.

F. Manalo, San Juan
By Eiji Laine Planas

Brother Ramon Miranda, 88 years old, and his wife, Sister Teresita, 82, saw firsthand how Brother Felix Y. Manalo, the Messenger of God in these last days, cared for the Church. Their experiences proved that the Sugo (Messenger) was very eager in ensuring that the members of the Church Of Christ walk the right path by obeying God’s words, so that no one would be left behind in attaining salvation.

The couple recalled how they would go to the house of worship compound of the Local Congregation of F. Manalo in San Juan, where the Church’s Central Office was located before, to see and speak with Brother Felix Manalo. “He would always remind us to not neglect attending the worship services, not forsake our duties and our divine election, and instill in our children the words of God,” Sister Teresita shared.

When asked how it felt like speaking with the Sugo, she said, “I always felt relieved and empowered. All the biblical teachings we learned from him guided us in our lives. And I also feel the same way with Brother Eduardo Manalo, the current Executive Minister, as he teaches us God’s words during the worship services he officiates.” 

Already among the oldest members in their congregation, Brother Ramon and Sister Teresita, strove hard to attend the worship service, which was in commemoration of their congregation’s 75th anniversary. They were uplifted by the Bible-based homily through which the Executive Minister reminded the brethren to “completely trust in the Lord and rely on what He can do for us. Through this, we can always live by the true faith that has been taught to us and not by the material things that most people give importance to,” Brother Ramon said.

For a very long time, Brother Ramon fulfilled his Church duty as the head secretary while Sister Teresita as a deaconess. “Having a family with seven children, we make sure that our children and grandchildren are also active members of the Church,” said Brother Ramon. By God’s grace, their children are currently choir members, finance officers, and a Children’s Worship Service teacher in their respective congregations.

As part of ensuring that their entire household has solid faith in God, they continue to impart to their children the teachings that they have learned since the time of the Sugo until now that the Church is under the leadership of Brother Eduardo Manalo. “We are blessed to see our Executive Minister face to face again. The teachings of God he reminded us are indeed uplifting. It brought inspiration to us to continue on until we finally receive our salvation,” shared Sister Teresita.

Cabulihan, Quezon
By Rafael Ramos Jr.

“I prayed to the Lord for a new job so that I could help my family in our daily needs and, at the same time, fulfill my duties to God because He is our Creator and source of strength,” recalled Sister Lorna Regio. She had to resign as a stay-in housemaid because she could not constantly perform her Church duty. “Our God is the living God. He listened to my pleading. I was accepted as a seller in a small bakery and the owner allowed me to attend worship services and fulfill my duties in the Church,” she said.

When the time came that she had enough money to realize her dream of being a teacher, she pursued a degree in education. After years of hard work, coupled with prayers, she became a day care teacher in 1981. Sister Lorna is grateful to God because aside from being able to fulfill her passion in teaching for 43 years, she is still able to perform her duty as a deaconess in the Local Congregation of Cabulihan, Ecclesiastical District of Quezon and fulfill God’s command of sharing the true faith.

“It is my devotion to always prioritize God and my Church duties above anything else. As a teacher, I engage with different groups of people with whom I share the gospel. I actively commit myself to spreading God’s message,” she said.

During the worship service led by the Executive Minister, which also marked the 80th anniversary of their congregation that was connected through livestreaming, Sister Lorna’s resolve in sharing the gospel was further strengthened. “The message of salvation is the greatest gift we can share with everyone,” she declared. “Though it is challenging at first to make them understand God’s message of salvation, I firmly believe that God is with me whenever I’m fulfilling His commandment to help in the propagation of the gospel. As I share my faith with other people, God blesses my daily life.”

As Sister Lorna listened to the homily of the Executive Minister, she expressed, “I was reminded to keep faith, love, and hope in my heart, to trust in what the Lord God can do, and to live in holiness as those who have the divine election should.”

Caray, Ilocos Norte
By April Joy Villanueva

Two days after it reached its 75th anniversary, the Local Congregation of Caray, Ecclesiastical District of Batac City, Ilocos Norte, was blessed to be among the remote sites of the livestreamed worship service led by Brother Eduardo Manalo.

The congregation’s head secretary and organist, Brother Jonel Villanueva, witnessed the biblical preaching of the Church’s Executive Minister. The teaching of God that touched his heart the most during the homily was that about expressing love and kindness to other people. “Helping or being kind to our fellowmen is very timely, especially since the world is experiencing economic difficulties,” he said. This biblical mandate has already been done by God’s early servants and so, Brother Jonel believes that he must do the same.

As the entire Church in these last days is staunchly upholding this sacred endeavor, Brother Jonel is united with the Church Administration in leading his household in devotedly giving voluntary offerings. “This command of God truly pleases Him. Through the brethren’s voluntary contributions, the Church is able to extend help to victims of calamities and others in need,” he enthused.

Brother Jonel admitted that there are times when his family struggles to make ends meet, especially when an emergency arises. “We still experience financial problems, but God always finds a way for us to survive and, most especially, for our services to Him.”        

Brother Jonel gladly shared that his family felt fulfilled, knowing that in a simple way, they are able to help people who are truly in need as taught by the Bible. “This even strengthened our faith and trust in what our Lord God can do for us because He works miracles for those who are generous in helping others,” he said. According to him, “Obeying God’s commands, such as being devoted to the giving of offerings, is a joy in itself and a more profound joy awaits us in heaven when Judgment Day comes.”