The confident assurance
of God’s people

The confident assurance of God’s people

Brother Eduardo V. Manalo highlighted the significance of trusting what God can do for His people and the importance of obeying His instructions.

Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, the Executive Minister of the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ), traveled to the Local Congregation of Victorias City, Ecclesiastical District of Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, Philippines to officiate a special worship service in commemoration of the local congregation’s 72nd anniversary. It was the first pastoral visit of the Executive Minister to the Visayas region of the Philippines since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. On that holy occasion, the congregation’s new and magnificent house of worship was dedicated to God. Adding highlight to that momentous event was the ordination of 31 regular ministerial workers as additional ministers of the gospel.

In his Bible-based preaching, Brother Eduardo Manalo reminded the Church Of Christ members that nothing is impossible with God. He highlighted the significance of trusting what God can do for us and the importance of obeying His instructions. He emphasized that these qualities are essential for true Christians, especially in these increasingly dangerous times when violence and greed have affected many people, as the Bible forewarned. He then encouraged the brethren to firmly hold on to their faith in God and to render devotional prayers to Him inside the house of worship since the Almighty Father promises to hear the plea of His humble servants. 

The opening prayer was led by Brother Ronaldo D. Canlas, supervising minister of the Ecclesiastical District of Bacolod City, Negros Occidental. Brother Arnel A. Tumanan read the history of the Local Congregation of Victorias City, then Brother Rene J. Panoncillo, together with selected ministers in the district, led the dedication prayer. The prayer after the preaching of the Executive Minister was led by Brother Romer D. Galang. Afterwards, Brother Bienvenido C. Santiago led the oath-taking of the ordinands. Then, Brother Arnel R. Canicosa led the prayer after the laying on of hands by the Executive Minister. The prayer for the voluntary offerings was led by Brother Glicerio P. Santos IV, after which, Brother Santiago said the benediction.

Victorias City, Negros Occidental
By Jaylen Robles

In the homily of Brother Eduardo Manalo during his pastoral visit to the Local Congregation of Victorias City, he said that having a new and majestic house of worship dedicated to God is a great blessing for Church Of Christ members especially for those enlisted in the said congregation. This is because in this sacred edifice, God’s servants conduct their personal devotional prayers and worship Him.

This is true to the lives of the faithful like Sister Herlyn Genovia, a choir member in Victorias City. She firmly believes God enabled her to achieve her goals even if there were obstacles along the way. She held on to her prayers and saw how the Almighty worked for her good. She was already 27 years old when she graduated from college. She remembers the time she had to stop attending school temporarily due to financial constraints. She said, “I have five other siblings and my father is old and sickly, while my mother is the sole provider. To help our family, I had to work multiple jobs.”

Despite their efforts, it seemed as though life got harder for the Genovia Family when Sister Herlyn’s younger sister needed surgery to remove a tumor. Knowing that they could not overcome this problem on their own, Sister Herlyn and her family sought God’s help through devotional prayers inside the house of worship. They were not disappointed. “God showed His love for us. Without us even asking them, our relatives and friends helped us pay for my sister’s surgery, which, thanks to God, was a success,” she joyfully narrated.

Sister Herlyn then pursued her goal, which was once set aside, to help her family. She finished college and passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) in 2022. “Whenever I am in the house of worship, especially when fulfilling my duty, I pray for my needs, and God graciously gives them. I don’t credit myself in accomplishing these things. These are all answered prayers from God,” she said.

Despite having one of the largest sugar refineries in Asia, Victorias City is still home to many impoverished families. Brother Wilfredo Lobaton Jr., a deacon, has worked as a sugar cane farmer for many years. He attested in Hiligaynon, “Kis-a wala guid kami sang kwarta nga magamit. Naagyan namon nga maglakat sang dose kilometro pakadto kag papuli halin sa kapilya. Ang amo ni nga sakripisyo indi guid namon malimtan sa amon kabuhi para lang makatuman sang amon katungdanan [There were times when we barely have anything to spend with. We experienced walking for 12 kilometers to the chapel and back. These were some of the sacrifices we can never forget in our lives in order to fulfill our Church duties].

Church Of Christ members were taught that hardships in life are normal as they sojourn in this world. Such instances are not a reason for them to cease serving God. They are taught to always show their confident trust in Him through prayers. “Wala guid imposible sa Diyos kung kita nagapalapit kag naga-tuo sa Iya (There really is nothing impossible for God when we draw near to Him and place our trust in Him),” said Brother Wilfredo. He is happy and thankful that all four of his children are healthy, attend school, and are active in their respective Church duties. He firmly believes that God, the source of life, provides for everything they need.

Forest Hills, New York
By Allison Medina

Commemorating the 20th anniversary of their local congregation’s establishment, brethren in the Local Congregation of Forest Hills, New York, Ecclesiastical District of New York were blessed to attend in the livestreamed worship service officiated at by Brother Eduardo Manalo.

For Brother Harry Seeto, a finance officer, witnessing the said holy gathering brought back memories of his journey to becoming a Church Of Christ member. “My life did a 180,” he said, as he narrated the times when he searched for God in different religions, from Catholicism to Buddhism, where he heard stories of tradition and foreign chants, but received no answers to the questions he had.

Brother Harry was first introduced to the Church Of Christ by a friend and recalled how he felt before joining the Church. “I was in darkness. Imagine 40 years of pain and suffering and I just felt unhappy,” he said. But while attending the worship services during a visit to the Philippines, he was welcomed with so much warmth brought by the solace he felt during his attendance. In one worship service, tears flowed from his eyes as the words of God regarding the complete renewal of life became clear to him. He narrated, “It was God’s presence and I knew that He was welcoming me to the Church.”

Brother Harry eventually received his baptism on June 25, 2016. He exclaimed how blessing after blessing flowed in to his life when he joined the Church. Now, he strives to inspire nonmembers seeking the truth and actively invites people to the Church. He said, “I feel like I’m home here. I feel safe right now in my life. That’s why I invite them because I want them to feel the same way, too. Being a Church Of Christ member is such a blessing. Now I’m living a life of peace and it’s so great.”

Calapacuan, Zambales
By Dona Balasabas

In the municipality of Subic in Zambales, Philippines, lies Barangay Calapacuan, which is 33 kilometers away from Mount Pinatubo. Anyone who lived there in the early 1990s will probably never forget what happened in June 1991—when one of the largest volcanic eruptions in the 20th century took place.

“I was 25 years old that time when the volcano erupted, causing a massive amount of ashfall in the province,” narrated Sister Lorna Balasabas, a deaconess, from the Local Congregation of Calapacuan, Ecclesiastical District of Zambales South.

Sister Lorna said how vividly she still recalls that fateful Saturday. She shared, “We went outside and witnessed the sky turn dark at noontime. A few hours later, rain started to pour. The roof of our neighbor’s house, which was already layered with ash, collapsed.” Floods became more devastating when it moved with ash that turned to heavy, gray mud called lahar and destroyed crops and properties. As if that was not enough, numerous earthquakes also occurred that night. “Despite the danger, we did not fail to hold our devotional prayer to ask for God’s protection,” she continued.

The Almighty Father did not fail them as well. The following day, Sister Lorna, together with her family, was able to fulfill her Church duty as a choir member for the worship service. She recalled, “We were happy to be still alive and well. I sat at the first row of the choir loft wearing my choir robe but barefooted because of the lahar around the vicinity. God took away our fear that day. My worries dissipated and I felt safe.”

As Sister Lorna listened to Brother Eduardo Manalo’s preaching during the livestreamed worship service, which was in commemoration of the 90th anniversary of their congregation’s establishment, her faith in God was all the more bolstered. “The Executive Minister taught from the Bible that even in times of frightening trials in our life, when we prioritize serving God and obeying His commands, we will always receive courage to overcome those trials,” she said.