The importance of having
God on our side in order
to succeed

The importance of having God on our side in order to succeed

The Lord Jesus Christ offers not only comfort from our burdens in this life but most especially the true rest in the heavenly kingdom.


ACQUIRING KNOWLEDGE from various reliable sources can help us succeed in life if we use them properly and judiciously. How much greater heights of success can we attain then if we strive to increase and expand our knowledge? And this particular “knowledge” is not without basis, for this is what the source of the greatest and most important knowledge, the Holy Scriptures teaches:

“He who gets wisdom loves his own soul; he who cherishes understanding prospers” (Prov. 19:8 New International Version)

Reading books, attending seminars, and learning from experts in our chosen field can be of tremendous help. But besides adequate knowledge and skills, we cannot deny the fact that we need the help of other people, such as our betters.

Above all, though, the one who can guarantee our success is our Almighty God. We need to have God on our side for us to truly win in life:

“With God on our side we will win.” (Ps. 60:12 Good News Bible)

As to how God will be on our side, let us imitate what one of His early servants did:

“Hezekiah trusted in the LORD, the God of Israel. There was no one like him among all the kings of Judah, either before him or after him. He held fast to the LORD and did not cease to follow him; he kept the commands the LORD had given Moses. And the LORD was with him; he was successful in whatever he undertook…” (II Kings 18:5-7 GNB)

King Hezekiah “held fast to the LORD and did not cease to follow him; he kept the commands the LORD had given” and so God remained with him.

The best example of one who enjoyed God’s fellowship is our Lord Jesus Christ. This is what He testified as to why the Father who sent Him was with Him:

“The one who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone, for I always do what pleases him.” (John 8:29 GNB)

Therefore, the Lord God will be with us if we follow Him and do what pleases Him.

What pleases God is that He “wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth” (I Tim. 2:3-4 GNB). This is the greatest knowledge we should strive to learn and never be ignorant about. To fulfill this, the Lord Jesus Christ taught:

“… In very truth I tell you, I am the door of the sheepfold … I am the door; anyone who comes into the fold through me will be safe.” (John 10:7, 9 Revised English Bible)

The fold or flock that man must come into or enter is the Church Of Christ (Acts 20:28 Lamsa Translation). So in our time, man will receive the Lord God’s fellowship if he is a member of the true Church Of Christ. Still, after becoming a member, he should also not cease to obey the Lord God and always do what pleases Him (II Kings 18:5-7 GNB; John 8:29 GNB).

Let us always desire fervently for our Lord God to be with us. For this to happen, we need to prove our love for the Father in heaven by wholeheartedly obeying His commandments (I John 5:3). In that way, we will attain the greatest success of all—receive salvation promised by God.