True Christians commit
themselves to God

True Christians commit themselves to God

God is the One Who can give the things that we need, so it is to Him that we should commit ourselves, especially when life becomes difficult.
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BEING TRUE CHRISTIANS, members of the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) are taught that no matter how difficult life becomes, they must commit themselves to God. He is the One Who can give them what they need—material and spiritual—as they strive to complete the race set before them and receive eternal life. They can do this by completely obeying God’s commands, for doing so is pleasing in His sight.

These are some of the biblical reminders preached by Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, the Executive Minister of the Church Of Christ, when he officiated at the worship service in Bangkok, Thailand. The main site was the conference hall of the Centara Grand Hotel where attendees from all over Thailand as well as from other countries gathered. Brethren in local congregations commemorating their milestone anniversaries and in various other remote sites all around the world witnessed the occasion via livestreaming.

The opening prayer during the worship service was led by Brother Willen D. Regalado, the supervising minister of the Ecclesiastical District of Thailand. After the preaching of the Executive Minister, the closing prayer was led by Brother Romer D. Galang. Brother Glicerio P. Santos IV led the prayer for the voluntary offerings and Brother Arnel A. Tumanan said the benediction.

Bangkok, Thailand
By Lyndel Sibul and Charles Lorilla

Thailand is known by many as the “Land of Smiles” where locals are said to always warmly welcome others wherever they are from. This Southeast Asian country of over 70 million people is bordered by Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, and Malaysia, with the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea to the west. Despite having Buddhism as the dominant religion, Thailand is home to many members of the Church Of Christ.

Sister Chodchoy Suwanhong, fondly called “Tao,” witnessed how the Church Of Christ started in Thailand. When a co-worker invited her to attend the worship services, she was in awe as she watched how choir members performed their duty. From then on, she was eager to learn more about the Church and, eventually, had a longing to become part of the choir herself. She said, “When I became a Church Of Christ member and started practicing to be part of the choir, I hurdled many challenges. As a Thai, the language is different. It took years for me to learn English and Filipino to be a choir member.”

Sister Tao also remembered how she endured the long travel to be able to perform her duties, aside from the language barrier. “I used to travel for about three hours going to Bangkok every Sunday to perform my duties as a choir member, Children’s Worship Service (CWS) officer, and KADIWA chairperson. After that, I would travel again for another three hours to go back home,” she said.

Some might wonder why Sister Tao would spend this much time and effort in fulfilling her duties. She declared her reason: “It is an oath that I took before the Almighty God. I don’t see these duties as burdens, but as gifts from Him.” She promises to never turn away from nor neglect her duties in the Church because these are of utmost importance to her.

Being a former Buddhist, Sister Tao said that her former religion taught her good traits such as being generous and kind. But when she heard the teachings of the Bible taught in the Church Of Christ, she realized that she needs more than these good traits to be saved and she was convinced that worshiping and serving the one true God is of utmost importance, and that believing in false gods is detestable in His sight. She decided to leave her former faith when she heard the biblical truth and firmly believed that God sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to establish the one true Church which will be saved come Judgment Day. “Salvation of my soul is necessary,” she added.

When Sister Tao learned that Brother Eduardo Manalo would officiate at a worship service in Thailand, she was very happy and recalled the same emotion she had when the Executive Minister conducted a pastoral visit in Thailand in 2019. She thanked God right away for such a great blessing, as she marks the 25th year of her being a Church Of Christ member. “I was really inspired when Brother Eduardo Manalo taught us from the Bible that we should be brave and strong in the faith all the time because the world is not getting any better. I will always remember God’s words taught in the worship service, that if I would dedicate myself completely to Him and to obeying His commands, He will help and bless me,” she said.

Vista, California
By Alyssa Deocampo

Vista is a beachside suburb of San Diego County in Southern California with about a hundred thousand people. The city is just 57 miles from the Mexican city of Tijuana near the border and more than 50 percent of its population is Hispanic.

The Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) was established in this city when brethren living in Vista who were still enlisted in the Local Congregation of North San Diego (formerly known as the Local Congregation of Poway) were regrouped to have a place of worship nearer to them, which was called the Oceanside Extension. On May 24, 1988, Oceanside was officially established as a local congregation. Their house of worship was dedicated to God in 1998 and the name was officially changed to the Local Congregation of Vista.

This year, the brethren in Vista commemorated their milestone anniversary. They witnessed, through video streaming, the preaching of Brother Eduardo Manalo when he officiated at the worship service in Bangkok, Thailand. One of the points emphasized in the preaching of the Executive Minister was the biblical description of how the problems in this world will continue to worsen as the Second Advent of the Lord Jesus Christ draws nearer.

Sister Cindy Ramat, a choir member, shared how the worship services gave her inspiration in the face of trials. She said, “El mundo está lleno de tristeza. Es difícil permanecer optimista cuando estamos rodeados de conflictos constantes. La única esperanza real proviene de escuchar las palabras de Dios. Los servicios de adoración me han ayudado a permanecer fuerte. Sus palabras me animan, me dan consuelo y seguridad, y me recuerdan que no me deje vencer por las dificultades (The world is full of sadness. It’s hard to remain optimistic, while being surrounded by constant strife. The only real hope comes from listening to God’s words. The worship services have helped me to remain strong. His words uplift me, provide comfort and assurance, and remind me not to be overcome by difficulties).”

The Local Congregation of Vista celebrates 35 years of resilience, all thanks to God’s promised guidance and love. “Sigo dedicándome a Dios porque Él me ha dado lo que ninguna persona, trabajo o cualquier otra entidad podría darme jamás: esperanza (I continue to dedicate myself to God because He has given me what no person, job, or any other entity could ever provide for me: hope),” said Sister Cindy, as she recalled another focal point from the Executive Minister’s biblical preaching—despite all uncertainty and sadness, God’s chosen servants should commit themselves completely to Him. They must always believe in, trust in, and rely on God, for He will surely help them.

Victoria, Tarlac
By Loren Domingo

The Local Congregation of Victoria, Ecclesiastical District of Tarlac City, Tarlac celebrated its 95th anniversary since its establishment in 1928. In commemoration of such a milestone, brethren in Victoria were among those who witnessed the worship service in Bangkok, Thailand officiated by Brother Eduardo Manalo.

One of the deaconesses who fulfilled their duty at that time was Sister Bellaflor “Bella” Gaoat, 73 years old. She said, “I have dedicated a big part of my life to my Church duty. I never stopped fulfilling it whatever situation I was in and I will never cease to do so.”

Sister Bella has made it her commitment to share and cultivate the true faith. For many years, she has been instrumental in convincing many people to join the Church. She also inspires many brethren to accept Church duties. This is her promise to God, along with continually performing her duties even if she got tired or sick due to the nature of her livelihood.

“Back then, I had to wake up really early and work really hard selling fish at the market. But I was amazed how I often seem to sell more than the others. That’s why most of the time I went home early because my fish got sold out quickly,” said Sister Bella. She often used that time not to stay home and rest, but to speak with friends and invite them to attend evangelical missions.

Even when she experienced grief, Sister Bella never felt that God abandoned her. She neither blamed God nor retreated from serving Him through performing her Church duties. “When I lost my dear husband, I felt sad and lonely. He died on May 16, 2014. I couldn’t do anything else but surrender everything to God. All the more did I serve Him and I continued to perform my duties to Him,” she said, as she recounted how she found peace moving on from such a painful moment.

Every time she listens to the preaching of God’s words, Sister Bella is edified and filled with hope. She testified, “The Executive Minister reminded us that even during difficult moments in life, God continues to care for us. So, no matter what happens, I will always serve and obey God until death. I know that committing myself to doing so is the foundation for inheriting eternal life,” she said.