Unyielding and steadfast

Unyielding and steadfast

Brother Eduardo V. Manalo warned the Church members about the various ploys of the devil, that when left unguarded against, have the danger to undermine and, ultimately, destroy their faith.

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AS TRUE CHRISTIANS, we strive to live a life that is pleasing to God. However, this is not always an easy task. The world we live in is full of distractions, temptations, and conflicting values that can lead us astray. Still, we hold on to what the Bible teaches because holding firmly to God’s teachings is the key to living a life that is pleasing to Him and worthy of His blessings.

Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, the Church’s Executive Minister, in his pastoral visit to the Local Congregation of Mt. Heights, Ecclesiastical District of Caloocan North, underscored the paramount significance of obedience to God in any circumstance. Before the Executive Minister began his homily, Brother Ariel B. Barzaga, district supervising minister, led the congregation in a prayer.

Using the Bible as basis, Brother Eduardo Manalo warned the Church members about the various ploys of the devil, that when left unguarded against, have the danger to undermine and, ultimately, destroy their faith. Citing the teachings of the apostles, he also exhorted the brethren to stand their ground and be firm in their conviction:

“Don’t allow yourselves to be stupefied by the cares, profits, and pleasures of the world. Always be awake and alert, because your enemy, the devil, is constantly prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to swallow up. You must remain unyielding in resisting his temptations, and remain firm and steadfast concerning every teaching of the faith. Remember that your Christian brothers and sisters throughout the world are experiencing the same kind of sufferings that you are.” (I Pet. 5:8–9 Last Days Bible)

The Executive Minister also reminded the members of the Church Of Christ that holding firmly to God’s teachings will immensely benefit them. First and foremost, God’s obedient people enrich their relationship with Him. This is because following His teachings shows love and devotion to Him. From the Bible, he assured the congregants that submission to God’s will brings peace, joy, and contentment for the faithful.

He also urged the brethren to keep on praying to God, and asking Him for strength and guidance to triumph over the tests of faith. Before ending his sermon, Brother Eduardo earnestly made supplications to God in behalf of the faithful, for their well-being and the welfare of their families, that there would be no one among them who would be left behind but instead, at the appointed time, they would all be saved. The attendees were undoubtedly inspired and moved by such a blessed spiritual gathering. It was indeed an experience never to be forgotten.

After the homily, Brother Romer D. Galang led the congregation in a prayer, Brother Ernesto V. Suratos led the prayer for the offerings, while Brother Bienvenido C. Santiago said the benediction.

A member and an area overseer from the Local Congregation of Mt. Heights, Brother Carlos Noora reflects on what the Executive Minister taught, on how the teachings he just received were manifested in his life.

Members of the Church Of Christ are not exempt from experiencing trials in life. These may be in the form of sadness, pain, loss, or tribulations. Trials like these are not new for Brother Carlos.

Brother Carlos resides in Caloocan City. There was a time in his life that he faced with other brethren, various sorts of hardship. But for the brethren who live in the area, including Brother Carlos, such were opportunities to prove their faith to the Almighty:

“Before the Local Congregation of Mt. Heights was called such, it was called the Local Congregation of Pangarap,” Brother Carlos shared. “Pangarap” means a dream, an aspiration or ambition. The area where Brother Carlos resides is called Pangarap Village, a name that befits many of the residents’ vision when they relocated there as they aspire to have a better life.

But because of how difficult their living situation had become, the dream had turned into a nightmare. Due to a property legal dispute, a land developer who claims ownership of parts of the area has for many years prohibited utility companies from entering the area to erect power and water lines, despite a court injunction. Instead, residents depend on expensive solar panels and retail water outlets, as well as occasionally generators. Even worse, the constant dumping of soil onto the streams and mudslides that resulted in waist-deep flooding caused dozens of residents to lose their houses. Members of the church who live in the neighborhood were adversely impacted, even in their services to God.

Brother Carlos narrated, “There were times that when we go home from attending the worship services or from performing our duties in the Church, they lock the gates to our subdivision. There were even times that they did not allow us to enter and we had to talk to their officials yet they still refused. We had to beg them and tell them that we are not bad people,” he added.

During tough times like those, Brother Carlos shared how he, along with other members of the Church Of Christ in that area, remained strong.

“The brethren, all of us, fully rely on what our Lord God can do for us. Before leaving our house, we pray for His guidance and protection, that may He take care of us as we travel, since we fear that a commotion might happen anytime. We also give this advice to all our brethren here. … When I learned that our beloved Executive Minister would visit our local congregation, I was elated and I could not contain my joy. We will never forget what our beloved Executive Minister has taught us—to remain steadfast in our faith, to always obey God’s commandments, and to use His words as our shield against all the problems we experience in life,” Brother Carlos strongly pointed out.

The world we are living in will not get better anymore, rather, as we journey in life, we will experience even more hardships. But like Brother Carlos, the members of the Church Of Christ will not fear nor falter. As what he expressively said, “Whatever trials or hardships that may come into our lives, we will continue to attend the worship services, and we will continue to perform our holy duties inside the Church, along with my family. We will always be one with the Church Administration in all endeavors of the Church especially in propagating God’s words that we firmly believe in the Church Of Christ.”